Image Navigation

Image Navigation is an exciting technology that aids surgeons in performing their procedures with a minimum of invasive procedures. Image navigation produces takes models of the spine in three-dimensions during the procedure, as well as imagery of Dr. Peelle’s tools, all of which permits Dr. Peelle to perform the procedure with smaller incisions. This means a less invasive surgery that provides a speedier recovery time and less overall damage to the patient’s tissue. The process begins days before the actual surgery, with MRI’s and other forms of imagery being compiled together to create a 3D image of the patient’s spine, allowing the surgeon to prepare for the surgery with full information.
During the surgery itself, the imagery will be presented on a high-performance computer, complete with cameras, sophisticated software, one or more monitors, and equipment fitted with LEDs that can be recognized by the cameras. Throughout the surgery Dr. Peelle will see the instruments in real time on the monitors, giving live information about the positioning of the tools and the conditions of the anatomy as they proceed. All of these elements come together to produce a safer, less-invasive surgical procedure with higher rates of success.
Surgeries, especially spinal surgeries, are often involved and time-consuming, and image navigation is a vital component in aiding with the complications involved. Image navigation aids in reducing the duration of surgeries, which is beneficial both to the patient and Dr. Peelle. Long surgeries can fatigue Dr. Peelle, increasing the possibility of mistakes, and they require the patient to be under sedation longer, which can lead to greater complications for the patient. Image navigation aids in reducing the amount of time a surgery takes, creating a more successful experience for everyone involved.
1. What advantages does Image Navigation provide?
Dr. Peelle uses image navigation for a number of reasons, which can include a less invasive surgery for the patient, and greater visibility and awareness of the surgical environment. With image navigation Dr. Peelle able to see the spinal anatomy and positioning of the tools in real time, measurements can be gained accuracy ensuring that screw diameter and length are appropriate to the procedure. It provides less guesswork in the placement of surgical instrumentation such as cages, rods, and implants.
2. What kind of issues does Image Navigation prevent?
While the training of Dr. Peelle includes a high level of understanding of human anatomy, Dr. Peelle is an individual with his own unique differences in precisely how he is put together. Additionally, there may be unexpected encounters during a surgery involving unknown anatomy (cysts, tumors, or just a vein somewhere unusual), image navigation aids in maneuvering around these situations.
3. Will my surgeon be using image navigation as part of my surgery?
Dr. Peelle use image navigation in any situation where it is appropriate to do so. This technology prevents complications, speeds up surgery, and reduces the postoperative impact on the patient, all reasons that image navigation is a standard part of today’s surgical environment.